Friday, March 27, 2009

Find a Job in Major League Baseball - 7 Skills That Are Needed to Work in Sports

Looking to break into a career in Major League Baseball? Jobs in professional sports have become very competitive and limited, and Major League Baseball is no exception. Here are the top seven skills you must possess in order to work in Major League Baseball:

1. Communication Skills

Good communication skills are the most important and effective way to score a job in Major League Baseball. Verbal and written communication will play a massive role in your career. The way you speak, write, and listen are all observed by employers, and should be your best asset.

2. Organization Skills

Organization skills are a fundamental to life. A career in the MLB may be fast-paced, therefore this is very important because it deals with your ability to design, plan, organize, and implement projects and tasks within an allotted time frame. You may be on the road, and must be able to keep and follow a schedule without someone telling you to do so.

3. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are very significant in working in Major League Baseball. This is how people relate to one another. Interpersonal skills are often used in business context to refer to the measure of a person's ability to operate within business organizations, through social communication, and interactions. The ability to relate to your co-workers, inspire others to participate, and mitigate conflict with co-workers is essential given the amount of time spent at work each day.

4. Professionalism

Many people think that working in Major League Baseball will be all fun and games. This however, is not the case. Major League Baseball, the teams, and venues are very serious about their organization. They expect their employees to be completely professional and serious. Remember that you are an employee first, fan second.

5. "Team Player"

Working in the MLB can get very busy, especially in season. There will be occasions when you will be asked to complete jobs or tasks outside of your specific area. A "Team Player" has a positive attitude, and is willing to work in all areas to benefit the whole team. A "Team Player" also has the willingness to make and learn from mistakes, and take direction from the staff.

6. Knowledge of Baseball

Having a strong knowledge and passion for baseball can be very critical in obtaining a career in the MLB. Depending on what area you are trying to specialize in, having solid knowledge of the game can be very important. You must understand the game and how it is played in order to be successful. Major League Baseball has the longest running regular season at 162 games. This means; if you are required to show up at every home game, you will be at the ball park over 80 times. If you are not passionate about baseball, you might not make it.

7. Willingness to Travel

Lastly, but certainly not least, is your willingness and enthusiasm to travel. Because there are so many games and teams all over the country, you may be required to travel. The ability and interest to travel is what will set you apart from the other candidates that can only remain locally. You will receive many more opportunities if you have the willingness and enthusiasm to travel.

Obtaining a career in Major League Baseball may be very challenging. However, if you can master these top seven skills that Major League Baseball is looking for, you should be well on your way to having a career in the MLB.

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